Challenges for Gas Turbines in Offshore Environments

Understanding the air quality challenges offshore that can lower gas turbine performance and how to remedy these challenges to maximise efficiency and profitability.

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In the offshore and marine environment, the air is laden with high levels of salt and moisture.

Salt is prevalent as both a dry particulate and as an aerosol. It is typically found in high concentrations due to the prevailing wind picking up sea spray from the waves.

Mists and fogs can also intensify the amount of free moisture that enters the air filtration system, while dusts and other man-made particles will lower compressor efficiency.

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Most of the existing offshore gas turbine filtration systems are smaller in size than onshore systems and have a higher airflow velocity.

This makes it very difficult to upgrade these systems and has resulted in low efficiency filter bags being the most common filtration solution offshore. These filter bags do not stop free moisture and salt from reaching the gas turbine, resulting in compressor fouling and hot gas corrosion (particularly if sour fuel is used).

Engines need to be washed frequently to attempt to reverse this damage resulting in reduced availability, a shorter engine life and a lower production efficiency. Discover how an upgrade to N-hance Performance Filtration can eliminate these issues.

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Our experts are here to help you and guide you to the best filtration solution to improve your operational performance.

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