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American Air Filter International
American Air Filter International






Clean air technology for
academic success

Air filtration helps university leaders and facility managers create environments that promote learning. IAQ requirements change from classroom to cafeteria to laboratory — and every decision needs to balance air quality and the cost of energy and maintenance. That’s why AAF technology is inside so many facilities for higher education. Reliable energy-efficient systems make it easier to create a comfortable, productive learning environment and help protect the health and well-being of students, faculty and staff.

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  2.  Click the hotspots to explore filtration solutions.



Helps reduce contaminants that spread viruses

Virus particles can travel by piggybacking on larger dust particles or droplets. Air filters rated MERV 16 or higher capture at least 95% of airborne particles between 0.3 and 1.0 micron.

Helps control energy usage

Air filtration and HVAC operations are a significant part of most educational budgets. AAF can provide a thorough air filter audit to analyze your system for energy savings.

Provides flexible comfort control in gyms, classrooms and labs

Air filtration and HVAC operations are a significant part of most educational budgets. AAF can provide a thorough air filter audit to analyze your system for energy savings.

Prefilters air to help extend filter service life

A filter with a high dust-holding capacity like the MEGApleat M9 can reduce changeouts. It’s designed to last 3-4 times longer than standard pleated prefilters.







Helps reduce contaminants that spread viruses

Attendance and concentration are the basics of academic success. AAF filtration systems help protect the spread of airborne pollutants that can impact the health of students and staff. VariCel VXL filters provide a high level of filtration — even in humid environments — with a double layer of filter media to increase the potential of removing the particles that can spread colds and flu. The AstroPure portable air purification system makes it simple to adjust air filtration and comfort as room occupancy changes.


Helps control energy usage

School administrators may find they’re spending more on energy to run their schools than on computers and teaching materials. MEGApleat M9 filters are designed to help colleges and universities maintain air quality while controlling energy usage. Their low impact on airflow can help control total operating costs in older buildings, and new school construction needs sustainable solutions that combine energy efficiency and system durability. That’s why energy-efficient PREpleat M13 filters allow long-lasting prefiltration to extend the life of a system.


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