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American Air Filter International
American Air Filter International




Auto shop cuts maintenance costs with AAF air filtration

See how AAF helped reduce an auto shop’s maintenance costs.

The Filtration Situation

An automotive shop was forced to regularly replace the panel filters they installed after only two to three months of use at a pressure drop of 250 Pascals (Pa). The frequent changeouts in this demanding environment inflated both maintenance hours and filtration spending.

The AAF Solution

AAF recommended replacing the customer’s existing filters with AAF MEGApleat filters. These pleated filters have a high dust-holding capacity to increase service life and a moisture-resistant design.

The customer proposed an experiment — testing the original filters against the MEGApleat filters and against the AAF PerfectPleat HC filter (of which they already had a supply on hand). Three air handling units with the same airflow and running hours were selected. Each unit contained eight 20 x 25 x 2 filters.

Trial Result Summary

The competitor’s filter did not perform well under these operating conditions. The high airflow and moisture ingress challenged the integrity of the filter, particularly the filter frame. This led to the collapse of the filter, which came out of its holding frame and was found on the AHU floor — after only two months of service.

The AAF PerfectPleat HC filter performed to specification. However, the high flow rate resulted in a pressure drop of 250 Pa by the second reading. This required the filter to be changed out after two months of use.

The AAF MEGApleat filter was the most successful performer in these operating conditions. It had the lowest initial pressure drop of 73 Pa when installed.

At the point where the competitive panel filter collapsed and the PerfectPleat HC filter reached 250 Pa, the MEGApleat filter had reached only 95 Pa — less than the initial pressure drop of the other filters on trial. In addition, the MEGApleat filters were not affected by moisture.

The ResultS

The AAF MEGApleat filters continued to perform well. After nine months, they were still in service with a pressure drop reading of 200 Pa.

The customer was so pleased that they decided they wanted to install the AAF MEGApleat filter in an additional trim and chassis shop. They also asked to purchase additional MEGApleat filters for future trials in both their casting shop and body shop.

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