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American Air Filter International
American Air Filter International




FFU Filtration Enables Cleanroom to Reach Required ISO Classification

Learn how AAF improved a Microtechnology Park.

The Filtration Situation

At this Microtechnology Park, future microtechnology and nanotechnology products are developed. Research is conducted in high-tech disciplines such as micro- and nanoscience, optics, robotics, biomedical and e-health.

In order to provide scientists with the optimal conditions for their research, the technology park installed a cleanroom.

When the cleanroom was designed, engineers requested a competitive filtration product, but they discovered over time that the installed FFU solution they had chosen was inadequate to reach the desired cleanroom class.

The AAF Solution

At the time this customer decided to expand their cleanroom space, AAF got involved via ENGIE Axima to plan a better air supply solution. FFUs were the product of choice to avoid extensive construction with ductwork.

After reviewing the local conditions, it was clear that with standard-sized FFUs, it would not be possible to adequately filter the complete area of the rooms and reach the required cleanroom classes. A customized solution was necessary.

AAF experts developed a concept that included 76 customized FFUs (equipped with H14 and U15 filters, suitable for roomside change) with a corresponding ceiling grid, teardrop lights, and a control system. According to AAF’s design concept, five different cleanroom zones could be defined. Each zone was equipped with a separate FFU group, enabling the customer to reach different ISO classifications. Together with ENGIE Axima, the plan was presented to the customer.

The Results

Based on the design plan, AAF worked with a partner company (AFS) to handle the installations of the ceiling grid, the customized FFUs and teardrop lights. Power supply for all FFUs, as well as the installation of the BUS-system necessary for controlling and monitoring the air supply, was also done by AAF and the partner company.

Since installation, all cleanroom areas perform as planned, reaching and maintaining the required ISO classifications with no issues.

Want to learn more? Contact your AAF representative to schedule an audit and find out how the insights from our intelligent data tools, including TCO Diagnostic and Sensor360, can improve operational outcomes, saving you time and money.

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