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American Air Filter International
American Air Filter International




Cutting cleanroom energy costs with AAF air filtration

Discover how AAF helped cut cleanroom energy needs.

The Filtration Situation

One of the world’s largest digital memory and storage solutions companies faced high operational costs supplying particle-free air to its wafer manufacturing cleanrooms. The customer’s fan filter units (FFUs) used traditional glass ULPA units — which can drive up energy costs due to resistance. They’re also prone to damage during filter handling, storage, installation and maintenance.

The AAF Solution

AAF recommended that the customer install:

  • AstroFan™ EC fan filter units (FFUs) tied into the facility’s building management system for seamless communication and control
  • MEGAcel® ll ePTFE ULPA filters with approximately half the resistance of glass media filters and superior durability


The customer installed 1,166 AstroFan FFUs and MEGAcel II ePTFE ULPA 4'x4' filters for their U.S. facility.

The Results

Energy savings of $340K+ are anticipated over a five-year period. The durability of the ePTFE filters also promises significant cost savings over traditional glass media. That’s thanks to fewer replacements of damaged filters as well as the need to stock extra inventory, which can add up to 10% of the installed quantity. To increase savings even more, the customer and AAF will also replace another 1,100 FFUs with AstroFan FFUs with MEGAcel ll ePTFE ULPA filters in the same facility.

Let's Chat!

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